Preparations Underway

Our trip is still 2 months away, but the kids have started their immunization schedule. It's difficult to decide what actually they really need and what they don't really need as far as immunization coverage. Thankfully, Gary has just spent a month with Dr. Karen (Infectious Disease Dr. ) in Zambia and has been able to get her expert opinion on some of these things.
The kids are quite excited already. Last week we went to the library and got some videos on Africa to watch. Before Christmas, Gary and I pulled out our slides and video of when we had been in Kenya 16 years ago. The kids were a little unsure as we really had been out in the "boonies?" on that last trip to Kenya. But then Samaratin's Purse sent a beautiful DVD of the compound and living quarters at Kijabe and the kids were impressed. It really does look beautiful. Brett is still a little leary of the thought of snakes and scorpions though!!
Gary's recent pictures from Zambia were helpful too, to give them an idea of what to expect when we get there.
I got a phone number from a friend of someone who had spent a year in Kijabe with small kids. It was helpful to talk to her as we haven't been on missions with the kids yet. She gave me alot of good ideas for packing and cooking while we are there. On all the other missions we have been on, I have never had to cook in the country we worked in. Wasn't that fortunate? But this time around, I think I will do all of the cooking. Kenya is such a fertile country that there will be plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. I told the kids that I was going to feed them rice and beans once a day, every day like the more fortunate Kenyans.
They didn't know if I was telling the truth or not......Lucky for them that they like rice and beans!!!!
I'm looking forward to learning all the details of your trip. This blog is a great idea.
I´m so excited for you all to go on this´s not everyday that families get the opportunity to experience this type of thing together. And to my cousins, rice and beans everyday isn´t such a bad thing (trust me I´ve been doing it for a while...sort of. I don´t like beans, but fortunately I do like rice!) I love you all and pray that all preparations and immunizations go well! I look forward to more updates. Muah!
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