An Easter to Remember

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! were the greetings we received and responded to as we got up at 5:00 this morning in the dark, popped in some cinnamon buns in the oven, made a fruit salad, reheated some Quiche and made our way, carrying flashlights to the Mead's house. We met others walking and driving in the same directions as we carried our potluck brunch items along the dark trail. What a beautiful home they have just on the edge of the mountain overlooking the valley. We gathered outside in their backyard, facing the valley below as the sun gradually brightened the sky. What a picture it was! There must have been over 100 people gathered in the back yard sitting on chairs or blankets, as we sang Easter hymns. Emotions overcame me as a men's trio sang acapella, "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?". I have never experienced anything quite like it. It was easy to imagine the early morning when Mary went to the empty tomb. It has been awhile since I have been at a sunrise service on Easter Sunday, but I must say that the setting and beauty as the sun rose this morning over the Rift Valley is something I will never forget.
Breakfast was delicious and of course was topped off with a good hot cup of chai. We made our way back home about 8:00 and I took the boys to Sunday School. They really enjoyed it and said it wasn't all in Swahili!! Tabitha walked them home after. Gary and I went to church at 8:30 and were home by 10:00.
It has been wonderful to relax and enjoy each other's company this weekend. There was a very energetic game of soccer on the front lawn this afternoon, followed by the all time favourite game of hide and seek tag again. Some speak only Swahili or Kikuyu, some speak only English, and a few speak all three. But they all understand the game!!!
It started to POUR rain and so friends went home. Soon we noticed it was hailing!!!
A fire in the fireplace sure felt good.
What a unique Easter experience! I can well imagine walking those dirt roads in the early morning and reflecting on Mary's experience that first Easter morning. We begin every Easter morning playing the Sandi Patti tape -- Was it a Morning like this when the sun still hid from Jerusalem, and Mary rushed toward the tomb. Beneath her feet was there a tune? Did the grass sing? Did the earth rejoice to see you again? --- It's one of our Easter traditions. Joy
Belated Happy Easter to all of you. Sorry for not writing sooner. We have been regularly following up on your blogsite and am thankful that we can do that. Make us feel that you have taken us with you on this great adventure and opportunity. We are glad to read that you are settling in well there and getting use to the surroundings and the culture and the vendors. The children seem to be getting skilled with playing soccer/football. OUr children enjoyed looking at the pictures of the giraffes and rhinos esp. Dominic. What an amazing sight that must have been. We just want to say to Carly, Brett and Adam that you have been blessed with amazing parents to allow you to have this experience and learn so many new things. Thank you also for posting all those pictures, help give us an inkling of the beautiful sceneries and the places and OR you have been.
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