Monday, September 24, 2007

Gifts from Emmarie

As I survey the absolute bedlam in the spare bedroom, it doesn't seem that long ago that we were packing for Africa a year and a half ago. 10 suitcases strewn about, contents everywhere. The kids and I have done what we can. Now we wait for Gary to sort his things and pack as only he can do. He is the king of all packers.....did you know he used to work for a moving company??
I keep thinking that I have forgotten something major.....we seem to have alot more available space in our suitcases this year and it's actually not very hectic here this week. Could it be that people are praying for us??
Emmarie came tonight bearing more gifts for the kids in Ecuador. Bless her heart for being willing to part with her things and thinking of others less fortunate.
Patty brought some boxes of toothpaste and toothbrushes on the weekend. Won't that be fun to hand out?!! I wish everyone could come with us and experience the thrill it is to hand out these gifts from our friends. It has almost been like Christmas around here already as we have experienced the joy of being the delivery persons for everyone's generosity towards the people in Ecuador. It has been so much fun to receive the donations on behalf of the people we have yet to meet!!!
We will not be arriving in Shell until Friday late, so we will not be able to blog until the weekend sometime. But then hopefully we will be posting notes every day.
Michelle will be sending a note out soon to our prayer partners. To give you an idea of her thoughtful and giving nature, she came tonight with a bag of goodies, because she thought we would be paring down on food and fridge items in preparation for leaving (and we were!) So there was a delicious bag of snacks for us. How come I never think of those things to do for other people??
We have appreciated so much the emails of encouragement and prayer for us lately. Our friends and family have been so wonderful. Hope you can all figure out how to respond back to us on the blog. If not, just email us at our regular addresses.
Time to get some rest......

Lori (for the whole family)


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