Saturday, January 19, 2013

And as quickly as it began ...

It was just days ago that Lori drove me to the airport in the middle of a cold Saskatchewan winter's night. The Mercy Ships shirts at the boarding gate in Brussels 2 weeks ago, now all have names and stories of their journey to Conakry. And there are those with whom I have been reacquainted - Gerry from Thunder Bay; Michelle from England; Mark from Boston; Melissa from Netherlands; Michel from Germany now married to Melanie from New Zealand among many of the long term crew that remain.

And today I will leave Africa for home. The Hospitality workers have inspected my cabin; my crew bank account is closed; departure arrangements are finalized with the Purser's Office; and all of my scrubs have been returned to the laundry. I will meet with 10 others that are leaving tonight and we will leave for the airport more than 4 hours before our departure time. Our plane will be bringing fresh replacements from Europe aboard  Brussels Airlines flight 217 as we take their seats on our way home.

There will be goodbyes on the gangway, promises to return on future projects and a little sadness as we walk away from this remarkable work of God.

What do we really accomplish is so short a visit? These weren't the dates nor the duration that I would have chosen, but this very much was His time for me to be here. We may never fully know what He does through us for West Africa, but He has used this place to speak into my heart and grant me some perspective and insight as I return home to where He has placed me in Saskatoon.



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