Last week in Kijabe
Thank you so much again everyone for all the emails and comments on the blog. We really are encouraged by them and look forward to receiving them every day.
This morning we went to chapel and had to give our farewell speech. It feels far too early to do that. The time has flown. I could very easily settle into life here in Kenya. There seems like so much to do that would be fulfilling for the remainder of my years.
I went around with the chaplain this morning on rounds and met alot of patients. I had to give about 6 short devotionals (I wasn't prepared for this....I didn't know she was going to ask me to Preach and Pray!!!!) Saw some very interesting birth defects but also very sad for the mamas. They often wish their babies would die so that they don't have to watch them suffer. Sometimes people in the communities want to kill these babies, so it is very stressful for the mamas. I felt totally inadequate trying to encourage and console them. All I could do was pray...

This afternoon, Dr. Newton drove us about an hour down the valley to a Masai village where he goes to church and helps with community projects. We met some leaders, pastors and an extended family group. Had chai with one family and then drove to the school and gave some soccer balls and uniforms to the school kids there. There has only been a school in this region for the past 10 years or so. Before that the kids didn't go to school. THe kids have won against all the soccer teams in the area. They were thrilled with the balls and uniforms and had to show off some of their skills for us. What a joy to see their joy!!!

We have a busy and full day tomorrow. Hope I get a chance to blog it. On Saturday we leave for Mombassa and I'm not sure if we will have internet access. So we may not be able to email or blog until we arrive home on May 7th.
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