Saturday, September 29, 2007

First full day in Shell

Well today i woke up at 7:30 and talked with dad before he went to work, while the others slept I started a Janette Oke book from grandma, and finished it before lunch. I stayed at the house while mom and Adam went to the market, because brett was still sleeping. Later I played soccer for a bit, and ate lunch. After lunch it was looking pretty grey outside, but that didn't matter. We played basketball with soccer balls for a bit, then we went inside and mom read to us and I did a math lesson while she read. We went outside after that then we had a shower in the rain! It was soooooo fun! Then we had to come in and get changed. Four girls came over and we talked and there were 2 blondes, and 2 brunettes, the blondes claimed they were twins and the brunettes claimed they were sisters. They were 11,11,11, and 13. so we talked to them and they told us the longest drought they have ever had was 10 days!!!! That was soo crazy to hear because we think of a drought as 3-4 months! We played a card game called maui or something like that, and they didn't tell us the rules so we had to learn as we went. The boys did not catch on the entire game!! I caught on after the first time around, so it shows girls rule, boys drool! Then the told us they played a joke on us, they said that the blondes weren't twins, and the brunettes weren't sisters! One of the blondes was sisters to the older brunette, and the other blonde was a twin with the younger brunette!!! That was sooo crazy, but they were fun. we went out for supper, then we came back and now are ready for bed. carly


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