Saturday in Togo
I awoke with great plans today for my weekend day off this trip. I had exchanged a few dollars for a pocketful of CFAs (see-fahs) and was preparing to venture to the market; the beach; or at least explore a few of the sights of Lome before heading out to dinner tonight with Dr. James. The sky was a little overcast as I loaded my inaugural load of laundry at my assigned time of 7am. From there I had a quick shower, answered a few e-mails then moved the laundry from the washer to the dryer on my way to breakfast.

And yet this has become a great opportunity to post a few thoughts on the blog, do a little reading and gather my strength for the event tonight. I will have to find another way to spend my CFAs.
Did you take that picture of the rain drop? It's really cool!
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