Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Jesus Film, walk to a market, church, and President's palace!

I forgot to make a post in the last while, but anyway. Firstly, Brett and I were expecting to just play with our friends here on the ship, and then my mom called the  person going to the Jesus film and we got to go too! So we didn't know what to expect. When we got there we were on the church's property and we parked on the side of the road and started setting up. They just started setting up and hooked up the projector on the opposite side of the screen and started playing (the screen was hooked up on our truck). Suddenly they stopped the movie in the middle of the crucifixion and called people up to pray. So lots of people came up and prayed to be saved! So that was the Jesus film, now on to the next thing on my list.

 On Sat. we went to a fabric market, not what I expected at all. I thought    it was going to be like the craft market we went to last Sat., but no. We walked there (it took about 40 min. each way) and bought fabric to be taken to a tailors to be sewn up before Monday (which was supposed to be the day we were going to the President's palace) so we took it there and they said it would be done on Monday. So we went to an ice cream shop and had a banana split and then we went to the ship.

 On Sunday we went to The Redeemed Church of God, which our friend took us to. We had a Question and Answer for a little bit and then we went on to the preaching for about 15-30 min. And then we had a little worship then preaching then worship then finally preaching and final messages. It was a very good church service, although we didn't know which was the French or which was the English!!!!!

We thought we were going to the President's palace on Monday but then that morning our dad told us that it was postponed to Tuesday. We were a little disappointed because we thought we were going on Monday, but, oh well.  Then on Tuesday we went to Starbucks to leave on a bus to go to the President's palace. We got a number and left on the bus. Then we saw the HUGE grounds of the President and we had so much fun that night (they ran out of Fanta a couple of times!). They had really good food and although we couldn't understand some of it it was really cool. I think I can't take anymore excitement after this week!


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