VVF Dress Ceremony
Obstetric fistula is such a problem not only in Africa, but Madagascar as well. Mercy Ships has provided surgery for these patients in each of their field services but the numbers are staggering. It is estimated that almost 1 million women in Sub-Saharan Africa, and 20-50,000 women in Madagascar now constantly leak urine following an injury during childbirth. Mercy Ships has provided surgery for scores of women and helped to train local surgeons but the problem is immense. Next field service, the Africa Mercy will return to Madagascar with plans to establish a free-standing VVF surgical facility on the site of the current HOPE Center, leaving a permanent legacy of their visit to the Malagasy people.
Post-operatively, once they have been "dry" and can be declared "cured" the Africa Mercy holds a Dress Ceremony to celebrate a new life and a new future. Each of the women share a brief story with nurses, staff, day workers, and family as we cheer them on and bless them as they return home. Most have been leaking for several years, a few more than 20 years. Most are abandoned by their husbands and families and struggle with their condition. It was such an encouragement to have one husband in attendance at the ceremony who had chosen to stay with his wife as they sought help for more than 10 years. They are such a beautiful people and their joy is contagious.
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