Wednesday, October 30, 2013

To the edge

He was born broken. A complete bilateral cleft lip and palate. Not yet 2 years old he would struggle to eat without choking. He would be unable to form the words to tell his mother she was loved. His disability was blatantly evident for all to judge. Rejection from all but the mother who gave him life.

Today, his mother made a monumental decision. She would entrust her son to foreigners who offered the promise of a different destiny. The chance to be whole, and accepted, and welcomed. It took most of he morning but his lip was restored; a palate fashioned from surrounding tissues; and a feeding tube and packs were placed to allow the delicate repair to heal.

But tonight his mother questions her decision. She holds his exhausted frames as he struggles to breathe around the packing holding swollen tissues intact. At times he struggles to breathe, panicky and gasping as his oxygen saturation once again slides into the 80s. Quietly, calmly, she holds him as nurses, at arms length at the desk, respond immediately. He settles - but for how long? When will the next crisis strike?

It will be a long, sleepless night on D ward tonight. He will have to travel right to the edge if he is to see this new life. He will not be alone. His mother will hold him close in her arms all night. Hospital staff will be ever vigilant, and our Heavenly Father will cover this family with grace and peace.

Remember us in your prayers tonight.


At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Dad & Mom said...

Thank you so much for your blogs - we are praying for you and all the workers on board the ship as you do an incredible job in changing the lives of so many.
We send you our love - Dad & Mom.

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Jan Andreae said...

Thanks for sharing this Gary. I can't even imagine having to make that kind of decision. Will be praying he will heal quickly and miraculously.

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Jan Andreae said...

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