Friday, April 07, 2006

Friday night

I tried to post some pictures yesterday, but was unsuccessful. Don't know why we are having technical difficulties, but...we'll do the best we can.
It has been pouring rain all day. I see why they call this season the "long rains". The Kenyans are very happy about the rain though and I have to admit I kind of like it too. The kids stayed indoors though more today. Carly is feeling much better today. Thanks for praying for her. Her appetite has been good and the rest of us never caught it. She was content to stay home today and read, color etc. while Brett, Adam and I went to the hospital.
This afternoon, the boys and I took a walk in the rain down to the Post Office to mail a letter and then we went to the dukas (shops). We stopped at the Supaduka and picked up some matches and a small can of "drinking chocolate" as it is a cool rainy day. Stamps were 95 shillings to send a letter to Canada. There are about 60 shillings to a Canadian dollar.
There is no heat in the house and it has cement floors, so it can get a little cool in here. Today I wore my fleece all day. Am glad I packed some slippers to wear as my feet get soo cold on these floors. We have lots of quilts on our bed to keep us warm at night. There is a fireplace here but I haven't seen any wood in sight. I guess I'll have to hunt some up.
We have seen a fair number of dogs and cats around. We have seen the cats eating grasshoppers. The dogs look like German shepherds or rottweiler types.
Last night, we had a major infestation of flying termites. They lose their wings and then die, so we must have had hundreds of wings (they look like maple seeds) in the house and on the front and back steps. Gary was trying to block the cracks in doors etc.. so they wouldn't get in, but they did. It was so gross!
Here's a funny story from this week. When we were shopping for groceries on Monday, Brett wanted to get the pink and blue toilet paper!! I remember that from Ecuador when we were there. I had never seen the likes before then. I guess he thought it was a novelty too.
The kids were sitting around this afternoon discussing what they already missed from home. Carly said she misses Tim Hortons and the TV show, "How it is made". Brett misses his skateboard. Adam says he misses Tim Horton's hot smoothies!! Makes it sound like we are Tim Horton regulars doesn't it? Gary misses coffee, full blast showers and high speed internet. I think I miss clothes dryers and hot water from the tap!!
I made some chocolate chip cookies today to try to chase away any blues!!
Tonight we are playing crib and enjoying some family time without the interruptions that normally occur in our North American lifestyle.



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