The Road Home

We have been at Kijabe for a month. In some ways we have experienced so much and yet in others it seems as if we have only just began to learn the people and the hospital routines. Today I met Pastor Willis, the core of the "Bethany Kids at Kijabe Hospital" video production studio. With a few cameras, a dual-core Apple G4, and a growing collection of external hard drives, he has taught himself the skills to manage Final Cut Pro and has produced some remarkable video for the children of Africa. He sent a few of his projects home with me that illustrates much of what this work is about.
I spent some time with Bruce Dahlman yesterday and it seems that many of the IT challenges are the same as at home. There are many tools available but no way to let people know what is out there and no one to train people in how to use the tools that they discover. There is still many regulatory issues to resove within the country regarding internet and telecommunicaitons but it looks promising for significant growth soon.
Tomorrow we leave the Rift Valley for the much warmer climate at Mombassa. We have heard it is very nice and lots of recreational activites to enjoy. We hope to take some time to reflect on our time in Africa as we prepare for our journey home next weekend. One of the nurse/missionaries that hosted us during our visit (16 years ago) now works our of Mombassa, and we hope to have the chance to meet with her while we are there.
We have seen and experienced much while here in Kijabe. We have met some remarkable people and shared great stories. We will not be the same for coming.

Africa is beautiful! Enjoyed reading your blog. May you have a safe trip home. Don't know if you are still into Mark Buchanan, but he has a new book out -- worth the read.
harvey michaluk
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