Saturday, April 08, 2006

Saturday crowds

Power was out again all morning. We were going to have pancakes, but there is no other way to cook except the ELECTRIC stove!!! I was tempted to go over to the neighbors cooking fire. It is starting to get to the point where we would really like a hot meal once in awhile!!!
I had a steady stream of visitors from 8:00 - noon, selling all manner of crafts, necklaces, bracelets, carvings, tortillas, English muffins, bags, cloth, keychains, bowls, dolls, dresses, scarves etc. etc. I tried to patiently look at each ones wares. And they also waited patiently in line while I did business with each one.
The mission has made a deal with the local people that they are only allowed to come around and sell on Tuesdays and Saturdays and no earlier than 8am. I can see where that became a necessary thing to do.
Mary brought us some pineapple, bananas,potatoes,carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, green pepper, garlic, mango, passion fruit, and a bag of very funny looking peaches. The peaches looked awful and were hard, but boy were they sweet and good. Each bag of produce was weighed out and bagged per kilo. All of that produce for 480 Ksh.
Gary was on call today for ICU and so we really didn't see him til almost supper time.This afternoon, the kids and I walked the "Baboon trail" to see if we could see any. Carly and Brett thought they saw one. I think I heard them. We stopped at the playground again. The kids were entertained the rest of the afternoon with the new bow and arrow. I did laundry and the Dibidah (the girl next door) said she would come and pick Carly up for Sunday School in the am. But I think Carly will be too shy to go with her. Sunday School is at 8am and church is at 8:30am. We are invited out for lunch tomorrow to the OB/Gyn's duplex. They are from California. She is retired, but is here working for awhile.
It gets dark between 6:30 and 7:00 pm and it gets light out at about the same time in the morning.
It was so cold this morning, I didn't think that I would ever warm up. Well, I need to get some laundry in off the line.



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