Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Loving those Babies

Thank you everyone who has been leaving comments for us on the blog and for your emails to us.  It really does mean alot and it's easier to make entries in the blog when you think someone may actually read what you've written!
We certainly are enjoying our time visiting with others here on the ship either at meal times or over a coffee  on the deck or in the lounge.  We've enjoyed lots of laughs with others as stories and experiences are shared.  It sort of reminds us of our time at the Mission hospital in Hay River.
I think the kids wrote about our morning at the School for the Deaf last Friday.  We were so enthralled by the teachers interpretation of the Bible story that day - it was the one of the paralytic being lowered through the hole in the roof.  He was so animated and it was the best "signing" that I've ever witnessed!
That evening I went out for supper to a Thai restaurant with about 14 women.  It was a farewell supper for one of the ladies who is returning to Denmark with her young family this week.  The food was delicious!
Sat. morning, as the kids have mentioned, we went to the craft market and Sat. evening we all went to watch a movie on big screen in the lounge.
Sunday morning, I went along with two truck loads of crew mates to a church in Porto Novo.  The service was translated from Fon into French and English (practically simultaneously!)  I love their worship and offering time.  The kids sit very quietly and well mannered on wooden benches for 2 hours at least while the service is on.  If they can do it, why can't the North American kids do that??
Some of the songs were actually long bible stories being told.  I lost track of how many offerings were taken that morning.....  Hmmmm how would that go over at Elim?
Sunday afternoon, we went to a soccer game between the Crew and the Day volunteers.  The game ended in  a tie at 0-0.   So they had to do penalty kicks with the crew coming out in the lead.
Carly has mentioned about our trip to the FRA or the "Foundation of the Look of Love" as it would be translated into English.  This was the home we went to on Tues. afternoon with the babies and toddlers.
Well how sweet was that!!!  They are so adorably irresistable.  It's so much fun to just love on them as much as we wanted.  They sure gave us lots of laughs with their antics.
Today we went to the Missionaries of Charity - a Mother Therese home.  Again it was mostly toddlers that we were able to sing with, play games, do face painting and blow bubbles.  We helped feed them their lunch and then we came back to the ship.  Most of them were in the process of being adopted.  Good thing - otherwise I would want to adopt them all myself.  It's difficult not to smother their sweet little faces in kisses.   They have got to be the most beautiful children in the world!  I am  sorry that we aren't able to take pictures so you can see some of these gorgeous little ones.
Well it is soon "Community meeting" time so I should end this and thank you again for keeping up with our blog and for your words of encouragement.


At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there everyone !

The kids and I have been reading your blog and really enjoy hearing about everything that you are doing. Thomas really liked the little cars that Brett and Adam was riding, (he called them didicar. (but what do I know lol)) and the hiding places that we have seen.

There is no words to describe what we feel when we see the little children that come to the ship with deformaties and leave looking so wonderful and to know that their lives will forever be changed.

Keep up the wonderful work and we will see you soon.

Hugs from Kathrine, Emilie and Thomas

At 3:52 PM, Blogger Shawn Chapman said...

Well Lori, let's try it, 5 offerings in one service, then we can see what happens.

At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Alma Dirpaul said...

Not only do i read your blog but I have passed the address on to 3 co-workers who are also following your adventure. Sometimes we start our day with, "Did you read the latest entry in Morris' blog?"

I was so touched by the stories of how children are helped. We need to get the "beaming" technology from Star Trek figured out so I can just come over and help out.

Keep sending the stories.


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