I can only imagine
This is day 4 in Africa. Sort of.... I can see it from here.
In many ways living and working aboard the Africa Mercy is to be on a small island of Western culture set deep in Africa. It is really difficult to imagine the stories behind the patients that we see each day. Most days our contribution seems so small. Most procedures last an hour or so as gifted, well trained hands blend their skills from across many nations to deliver surgical care. We have seen many patients pass through our doors and hope that for some that we will make a difference.
Such faith. For so many that have never been to a hospital; never really met a "white person; let alone walk aboard a ship, it is really difficult to imagine that a surgical cure comes with no strings attached. Many have exhausted all of their resources to try to get help for their children. They have nothing.
Stories abound. "They will ask for money from you at the last moment". "They will steal your children". And yet they come. Here are a couple of video stories from this fall.
There are so many more we will never know. A rather ordinary day for us may be truly life changing for an entire family.
There are some very special gifts to prepare for some children tomorrow.
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