This is a view of the back of our house. We regularly check for snakes in the rafters of our screened in sun porch as the long grass and jungle is immediately in the back yard.

This is the public bridge which leads to the military base side of town. The military base is very large. For the past few days we have been hearing a lot of gunfire and what sounds like explosions going off.

The airstrip in Shell. It is a very busy place. From early morning and all day, we listen to planes taking off and landing as well the sound of helicopters and
ambulance sirens. When we wake up, I think I can hear monkeys and all sorts of birds in the trees around us.

An Ecuadorian house; although most have dogs, chickens and children in the yard. Alot of the independent missionaries live in Ecuadorian homes compared to living on the HCJB/MAF compounds.
When we were at the orphanage today, I learned that the director, Patty Sue, is a retired military mechanic.....God has a great sense of humor taking her from that line of work to being a mother to 37 mostly special needs children. Who would of thought???Least of all- her- which she readily admits.
The meeting last night was fantastic. It was a group of men from Wood's Edge Church, Woodlands, Texas that have come here for a week. They even have a missions pastor (who used to live in Ecuador). He came along,as well as several that were engineers or oil company executives. We had a great time of praise and worship and a short message from the pastor of Wood's Edge. There was a discussion time with the missionaries on the high's and low's of being a missionary here. Then the men broke up into groups of two and went around praying and laying hands on each family or individual. They seemed like a great bunch of guys, very genuine and sincere. We were so impressed with the whole group. A couple of them are off to Africa next month to find an Aids orphanage to help fund. They actually are going to Kijabe where we were last year, so we mentioned a couple of the orphanages that we had been to there.
Hmmm ... sounds to me like you guys are hooked for life. You talk about your day to day life and duties with such joy and energy. Lifer missionaries. If you don't come home can we have your goats? haha
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