Well the basement bedroom is piling up with suitcases, raincoats, shoes, books etc. Jenna was over today and we went over all the little details for her as she housesits here. No small undertaking to look after the horses, dog, cats, house and acreage.
I cleaned out the deep freeze and am trying to buy only what's necessary to eat in the next two week. It's amazing all the little details that need to be done before you go away for awhile. I was chuckling to myself a little as I was going over the list of things they said to bring from home. Pot holders, paring knife, can opener and candles?????
Sounds like we will be staying in a 3 bedroom house. We arrive in Nairobi on a Sat. night and will stay at the AIM guesthouse I believe overnight. We are going to go to church there the next morning and meet with Dr. Ken and Shirley Birch for supper. The Birch's were at Elim years ago and have been living in Nairobi for awhile, but are in the process of moving back to Canada soon.
We will probably stay over in Nairobi until Monday am when we will be driven out to Kijabe. We reminded them that we will probably need a big vehicle to take all 5 of us and our luggage to KIjabe.
Mom and Dad will be coming home from Arizona next week so that we can see them before we leave. There is still so much snow here. Thankfully the stores have got their spring things out, because Brett had outgrown his sandals and practicallly everything Adam tried on from last summer was way too small!!!! I can't believe how much he has grown. Only Brett's feet seem to have grown - nothing else!!!!
We have gone through our videos and cassettes and are planning to take some along to leave with the kids there. They haven't quite gone the CD-DVD route yet that North America is in.
Gary has been busy making DVD's of our time in Kenya in 1990. He has made copies to give to our friends there in Kenya that we spent time with in 1990. It hardly seems possible that it was 16 years ago!!! But then again when I look at the clothes, the glasses and my hair style not to mention how terribly skinny we were..........it must have been a long time ago!!!
Our neighbors lent us the video, "The Gods Must Be Crazy" so we laughed through both parts of those videos.
Our last rabies shot is this week. Adam seemed very relieved to hear that it was the last one!!
We have sensed that we have already been under attack spiritually as we prepare to leave and we know that it will continue all throughout our time there for sure. So we would really appreciate your prayers in a number of ways:
1. that we woud pack wisely, bringing items and tools that will be beneficial to the people there medically and spiritually.
2. that we woud be open and obedient to what God is asking us to do and his plans for us while we are there.
3. that we will be a blessing in every way, to the missionaries, the patients, the staff and the rest of the community.
4. that we would be protected from illness, insects, SNAKES etc etc Mom does NOT like snakes especially, but God knows all about that already
5. that our kids would really gain a heart for missions. That they will grow spiriitually and open their ears and hearts to God's calling on their lives.
I can't tell you how much we desire your prayers for us and how very, very important it is for us to have that prayer support as we go. We really should not dare to even attempt going without it.
Thank you so much to those who have already agreed to pray and have mentioned that to us. We will be relying on it and are thankful for those of you who are sensitive to the Spirit's leading you in that area. So be prepared, you may be woken up at night!!! We will be about 9 hours ahead of you!