Sunday, April 09, 2006

Typical Sunday

Well we walked to church this morning. When we arrived a few minutes early, there was only a couple people there. Church started at 8:30 African time. Just when you think that you are squished in the pew, 3 more people sit down in your pew. The church was packed!!! It is a big church, I forgot to ask how many it will hold. The visitors were asked to stand and there were a number of Americans visiting and a mission team from Philadelphia. This Sunday it was the Kijabe boys school turn to come to church. RVA, Kijabe Boys and Kijabe Girls schools all have to take turns coming to the main church as there just is not room for everyone all at once. After the English speaking service, there was a service in Kikuyu. Most staff and people at the hospital speak Kikuyu. There are some Masai here tho as well as Somali peoples. We are familiar with the Kikuyu from when we were in Kenya 16 years ago.

Gary was on call again today and was at the hospital for most of the day. There was a gunfight they were dealing with etc etc. He will have to do some blogging here and tell about his work.

We went to Ruth Dix house for dinner today. She is a retired OB/GYN from California who is here for a few months. Her and her husband worked for years in the Congo and raised their 3 kids there. They are grandparents now. He was also raised in the Congo as his parents were missionaries there.

We had a yard full of African neighbors here playing soccer and hide and seek all afternoon today. If the laughter and screaming were any indication, everyone was having a blast. It was neat to hear the Swahili, Kikuyu and English all playing together. Tabitha (who I mistakenly thought was Dabidah!!!) is close to Carly's age so she spent alot of time here coloring and playing games. We showed her Carly's math book and she said that she is doing alot of the same math here. She is in grade 7.

Tomorrow will be a busy day. We go to the hospital in the morning. Then we want to get to the high school library while it is open as well as the school store. Mary will come and take our vegetable order for Tuesday and then we want to get to the elementary school library later in the afternoon when it is open. The two libraries are open at different times. I have to give the talk to the Ped's staff at 5 pm and that should be all we will fit into tomorrow.

Time for me to get to bed too. I have finally been sleeping through the night the last two nights!! Brett told me today that he would like to live here!



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