Well yesterday we had to do a thinger for chapel at the school, so we took a powermark magazine and did a skit about the good Samaritan. It was fun we had the whole school laughing, how many can say that!!!! We forgot our books to return to the library so we went home and got some money and returned our books. after we went to karens and bought candy and bb guns. we spent 9.99$. We came home sorted out our candy them mom read in freedoms cause to us. Then for the rest of the day we just did nothing really except math and jokes with dad while we do our math(as usual). He tried to get to karens cuz when he saw all our sweet stuff he wanted some too(as usual). But every time he tried to go he got called in to work.

Later in th afternoon we went to go have a tour of MAF and stuff, we looked at planes and saw their 2 boa constrictors!!!!! Then we just read or played outside, then after supper we (tried to) play phase 10 with mom, but she thought it was the weirdest game ever. when dad got home he joined in and then Brett won adn we decided to play a different game cuz mom was cheating to will!!!!! no not really but she took a card from the pile when Brett still needed to lay his down(i know what you're thinking "why would she cheat??) it was cuz she hated that game. So we decided to play chicken foot (a game with dominoes). the first few rounds went good then on the last one my mom kept the double 0(which is worth 50 points and you don't want points!) for the last and dad put down his last and she only had that one and we started laughing our pant off(not really, well Brett's pants were a little lower if you ask me). We told her it was 50 and she was like NO WAY!!!!!1 and she thought we were just making up rules so we gave her 0(just for that time only, so don't be thinking you can get away with it when you play with us!!). Then Brett was like can you believe all these silly rules up they want to make the double 12 24!!! can you believe it!!!! we were laughing for a long time after that! Then the next round she was like now i'm going to get rid of this double 1 in case its 100!!! oh dear it was a good night. Well we might be going tot he orphanage today, so i should go eat.
i hope breakfast was good. you sound like such a busy girl even when you're only playing cards hehe. hey, what day are you getting back again? and what time? and what place? jussttjookkiinggg. (the airport riightt?) haha. anyways, i still haven't gotten your letter and it's making me sad. everyday i wait for it in the mail... longing for it to finally arive. maybe tomorrow, maybe thurday....you never know....
Thanks for the note Lori. Janelle is good to pass on my messages and she is on the computer more than I am. Tomorrow is my last morning off and then it's back to work full time - ugh! Oh well, am grateful for a job I love. Blessings!
I can't believe your mom cheats. HA. Tell her I am disappointed. See you soon
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